Pages of Márta Baranyai

Pages of Márta Baranyai

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"COLOURS OF CSALLOKOZ" Workshop of Fine Arts

Nagymegyer, a city of Csallóköz in Slovakia hosted 30 artists from the neighbouring EU countries between the 17 and 30 of July. This Workshop of Fine Arts was sponsored by the local goverment and the local Kolping non-profit organization utilizing a successful EU tender and was also a charity: the income from the works sold during the Workshop will help the local orphanage, the paintings and graphics given as a gift by their authors will be the first artifacts of the city gallery.

The participating artists had full board accomodation for two weeks, so free from care they could give themselves up to the delight of creative work.

The pictures here show the beautiful environment, the moments of creation, the open air exhibition held on the last days of the workshop and the closing ceremony with the main organizers and sponsors.

I had the privilege of being one of the invited artists. It was an honorific invitation and prized me with valuable contacts in both my professional and private life and unforgettable memories.

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